Surge of Islamic protests against U.S.

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  • 浏览:98
  • 来源:世界杯买球盘口【中国】官方网站

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U.S. President Barack Obama asserted Saturday his rejection of the vindictive anti-Islam movie and stressed "violence against the innocent is not justified," official news agency MENA reported.

Hundreds of Muslims in Nigeria's northern state of Katsina on Sunday protested against the U. S.-made movie and the French cartoon that denigrated the Prophet Mohammed.

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The Arab world is starting to ‘boil’ as mass protest rallies are taking place near the US embassies in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia and Libya. Protesters are angered about the Innocence of Muslims, an anti-Islam film made in the United Sates to commemorate the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.